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Help us to Free the Bears...


...and give them a home they deserve

Here at Fairy Ellen we believe every bear needs a home whether it be the stuffed variety or our real-live furry friends.


Many of you will have seen the BBC TWO docuseries, 'Bears About the House' featuring Mary the Sun Bear who became a bit of a star and captured the nation's hearts.  If you haven't seen it, head on over to the BBC iPlayer right now and have some tissues ready...if you are as mushy as we are, you will most definitely cry!


Free the Bears is a charity dedicated to helping rescue bears from the illegal wildlife trade. Free the Bears has helped rescue over 950 bears from the world's most vulnerable bear species (sun bears, moon bears and sloth bears) and they provide ongoing care to hundreds of rescued sun bears and moon bears at the sanctuaries they operate in three countries; Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.


Click on the button below to take a look at the amazing work they do...





Two ways you can help...


Buy a Fairy Ellen Bear

A donation will be made to 'Free the Bears' with every Fairy Ellen Bear purchased. To buy a bear, please visit our Etsy shop by clicking on the button below..


Make a Donation

By clicking on the Donate button below, you will be redirected to the 'Free the Bears' donation page where you can either make a one-off donation or become a 'Bear Carer'

Thank you for your support

The bears appreciate it!

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